If there is an article that you particularly enjoyed and wanted to save for later, you can do this by starting your own collection. You can choose to keep this collection private, or make it public for other users to see and to share it directly with your peers. If you are looking for the Read Mobile App version of this FAQ article, click here.
Part One: Starting Your Personal Collection on Read Web
- Click on the Star (Save Paper) icon on the article you want to add to your collection.
- This will prompt a pop-up to appear where you can add the article you’ve selected to a brand new collection. Any changes will be saved automatically.
- To see existing personal collections you can go to the homepage and click Favorites.
Part Two: Sharing Your Personal Collection on Read Web
- Click on Favorites to go to your personal collections.
- Click the Publish button, which will prompt a pop-up with options to change your collection’s name, public visibility settings, and description.
- Once you change your Collection Visibility option from Private to Public, everyone on Read will be able to see this collection but not make any changes. Click Save to confirm your changes.
Note: If you would like to share a personal collection directly to a user or group of users, you can do this through the mobile version of Read. To do this check out Part 2 of the Sharing Your Personal Collection FAQ (Mobile).
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