: Paper icon indicates the user has access to the paper and will be able to successfully download a PDF version of the article. Having access either means that the paper is open-access or that the institution the user is affiliated with has access to the paywalled article. In order to access any paywalled article, users must have linked their institution to Read via the Institutional Access feature.
: Paper icon with a check-mark indicates that the paper has been successfully downloaded, meaning that the user can click on the paper and access the PDF right away.
: Chat icon indicates that a Read user has made a comment on the paper. Leaving comments is a good way to let other users know what you think about a particular paper and engage in dialogue with other medical professionals. You can also let other users know how you feel about their comments by giving them an up vote or down vote. Here's an example of an article where the comments section has been utilized.
: Star icon indicates that an article has been "favorited" or added to one of your Personal Collections. These papers are ones that you find particularly interesting and would like to return to at a later time. Personal Collections also make it easier to share a collection of articles, and can be made public to share with the entire Read Community (more information on Public Collections below).
: Folder icon indicates that a paper is a part of a Collection. A Collection is a curation of articles that has been created by a Read user, institution, or by the Read by QxMD team. You can learn how to follow Collections here. This will help you find articles that are similar to each other and also have the option to get notifications when more articles are added to the Collection. To check out our curation of over 100+ Read by QxMD Collections click here!
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